We are interested in your thoughts about the usefulness of our website. Please take a few moments to complete a short survey. Answer the following questions by completing this online form or fill out the printable form and return it to us in the mail. Thank you for your help.

Question 1

During the past 6 months, how often have you visited UCP's website?
Regularly (once a month)
Occasionally (1-5 times)

Question 2

Why do you visit (or have you visited) the UCP website? [PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]
To learn about UCP's services
To learn about cerebral palsy
To learn about UCP's special events
To volunteer
To make a donation or learn about other ways to support UCP
To become more knowledgeable about current events/legislation affecting individuals with disabilities
To look at employment opportunities
To find directions to UCP's facility


Question 3

We would like to make the UCP website more useful/valuable to you:

a. Is there anything else you would like included on the site that is not there currently? [PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]

b. What information do you think is unnecessary or confusing?

Question 4

Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with the UCP website on each of the following criteria using a number scale of 1 through 5 with 1 being the least satisfying and 5 being the most. Use DK (Don't Know) for any statement you are unfamiliar with.

Accuracy of information provided 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Ease of finding the desired information 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Breadth of information 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Visual appeal of the site 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Speed with which information appears (page loading) 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Use of photographs 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Tone/quality of the writing 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Clarity of the information 1 2 3 4 5 DK
Frequency of updates to the site 1 2 3 4 5 DK

**Please use the space provided to explain explanations to anything you gave a 1 or 2**

Question 5

Do you feel the website is easy to navigate? If not, are there any suggestions for improvement?

Question 6

Is there another direct service provider's website that you enjoy visiting? Why? (Please name the website)

If no, please skip to question 8.

Question 7

How does UCP's website compare?

Better than
About the same as
Worse than your favorite site
Not Applicable

***Why do you say that?

The last few questions are for analysis purposes only.

Question 8

What is your age?
Under 25 years old
25 to 44 years old
45 to 64 years old
65 years or older

Question 9

What affiliation(s) do you currently (or have you had in the past) with UCP? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]
User of services
Staff member
Board Member
Event participant
Relative/friend of any of the above types of people


Question 10

Please use the space below for any additional comments or suggestions.

Email Information

If you would like us to update you on the progress of this project or any of the other exciting things happening at UCP,
please provide your email address in the space below.